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Klipper Firmware for BigTreeTech EBB

The BigTreeTech EBB series is a toolhead board series that can communicate via CAN. This guide explains which settings you need, to flash your EBB boards with Klipper.

This guide is tested with the following boards:

  • BTT EBB36 & 42 v1.1
  • BTT EBB36 & 42 v1.2
  • BTT EBB SB2209/2240 v1.0

This guide will not work with the following boards:

  • BTT EBB36 & 42 v1.0

These boards have a different MCU.


Use at least a Klipper version of v0.10.0-531 to use the board safely!
In this commit, Kevin fixed a bug in the ADC calculation of the STM32G0.

Configure Klipper firmware

Open the config interface of the Klipper firmware with following commands:

cd ~/klipper
make menuconfig
and set the following settings:

  • Enable extra low-level configuration options: check
  • Micro-controller Architecture: STMicroelectronics STM32
  • Processor model: STM32G0B1
  • Bootloader offset: No bootloader (without CanBoot)
  • Bootloader offset: 8KiB bootloader (with CanBoot)
  • Clock Reference: 8 MHz crystal
  • Communication interface: CAN bus (on PB0/PB1)
  • CAN bus speed: 500000

The result should look like this:

CanBoot config

Klipper config for EBB devices

use q for exit and y for save these settings.

Now clear the cache and compile the Klipper firmware:

make clean

Flash Klipper

There are two ways to flash the Klipper firmware to the EBB.

Flash Klipper via USB

This is the classic way to flash the firmware to the EBB.

Before you start the flashing process, disconnect the heater from the board!

Up to version v1.1, the heater output is switched to on in DFU mode while in this mode!
This can lead to a fire! 🔥
Like in the next picture where the door bell ringed 🔔
In version v1.2, this pin has changed because of this issue.

(only the printer was harmed - picture used with permission)

First, you have to put the board into DFU mode. To do this, press and hold the boot button and then disconnect and reconnect the power supply, or press the reset button on the board. With the command dfu-util -l, you can check if the board is in DFU mode.

It should then look like this: dfu-util -l

If your board is in DFU mode, you can flash Klipper with the following command:

dfu-util -a 0 -D ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -s 0x08000000:mass-erase:force:leave
dfu-util flash klipper

Flash Klipper via CAN

This is the recommended way to flash the firmware, when you use CanBoot on your board.

Find the UUID of your board:

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/ -i can0 -q
The output should look like this: CanBoot query can

With the UUID you have just read, you can now flash the board with:

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/ -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -i can0 -u <uuid>
Flash Klipper via CanBoot

Add the MCU in Klipper

Finally, you can add the board to your Klipper printer.cfg with its UUID:

[mcu EBB]
canbus_uuid: <uuid>

# embedded temperature sensor
[temperature_sensor EBB]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
sensor_mcu: EBB
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 100

If you don't know the UUID of your EBB, you can read it out with the following command:

~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/ can0
The output should look like this: CanBus query