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PA-Calibration with LA-Test

This is a fast calibration test for Pressure Advanced. The idea was from FHeilmann.

printed result of the PA-Calibration


At first, we have to add a gcode-macro to convert the M900 LA gcode to set the Pressure Advance value. Please add the following lines in your printer.cfg.

[gcode_macro M900]
description: Set Pressure Advance
gcode: SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE={params.K|default(0)}

Generate G-code

Now we use the Marlin k-factor tool to generate the G-code. Here are my parameters I used to generate the pattern in the picture above.

Printer settings in the marlin tool

Change Hotend, Bed-Temperature and Retraction-Distance

Printer settings in the marlin tool

Resize the bed to your size

Printer settings in the marlin tool

Change the Retract Speed to your Retract-Speed

Printer settings in the marlin tool

Ending Value max is 1 (Bowden). If you use a Direct-Drive printer, you can set the "Ending Value for K" to 0.25 and "K-faktor Stepping" to 0.01. If you like to print the Numbers per Line, check-in the "Line Numbering" (the numbers are horrible to remove from your buildplate).

Printer settings in the marlin tool

Change the "Extrusion Multiplier" for you filament

Fill in a Filename in the field and click on "Generate G-code". Modify the Start-Gcode on the right side and click on "Download as file".

Now print the pattern and look at which line is most constant. Count the lines from below and multiply with the "K-factor Stepping" value. This is your perfect Pressure Advance value.

Happy printing!